Dr. Laurie Metcalfe was born and raised in Madison, WI, where she grew up with her identical twin, Jen, and their Arabian horses. She completed her Animal Science degree from the University of WI-Madison. She only decided to pursue veterinary medicine after moving to Lexington and working as an ICU and surgery technician at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital for three years.
Dr. Metcalfe returned to Wisconsin to attend veterinary school and, upon graduation in 2004, returned to Lexington, KY to complete a one-year hospital internship followed by a one-year ambulatory internship at Rood & Riddle Equine Hospital. She has remained an ambulatory veterinarian with the clinic ever since.
Dr. Metcalfe specializes in neonatal medicine, enjoying foals, herd health and general medicine. She is married with two children, Samuel, born in 2011 and Ella, born in 2013. She enjoys spending time with her family, horses and dogs.